I only have one last project (a beanie for Grandpa's birthday) before I start on my long list of Christmas gifts. In the summer I started a list of gift ideas for friends/family, and I'm hoping that I'll complete at least half of them.
Here's the master list, sans Little C's gift, which shall remain secret.
The fiance: beanie, fingerless gloves, pjs, and something extra awesome to be determined later.
The brother: plain black beanie, pajama pants
Mom: some sweet potholders, and a sweater if I have time
The girlfriends: crocheted maryjane slippers (an idea I stole from Little C, who did this last year for her amigas) or frilly aprons
The boy friends: fingerless gloves
Aunt B: school bus scarf
Paternal aunts: pansy pins
The other aunts/uncles: dishcloths (they all love them, I swear!)
In laws: red potholders, dishcloths
Lola the puppy: sweater
Grandparents: bookmarks
Bro in law: earflap beanie
Grandparents-in-law: kitchen crap?? I don't know!