Monday, November 19, 2007

Why, Debbie? WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!

I waited for months for "Son of Stitch and Bitch" to come out.

I bought it on Thursday.

I returned it on Friday.

Though the tagline is "45 projects to knit and crochet for men," only FOUR of those projects are crochet. Why isn't there equal representation? Crocheters seem to always get the shaft when it comes to cool patterns. Knitters get funky sweaters and hats; crocheters get doilies and ponchos.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Sweatshop will soon begin.

I only have one last project (a beanie for Grandpa's birthday) before I start on my long list of Christmas gifts. In the summer I started a list of gift ideas for friends/family, and I'm hoping that I'll complete at least half of them.

Here's the master list, sans Little C's gift, which shall remain secret.
The fiance: beanie, fingerless gloves, pjs, and something extra awesome to be determined later.
The brother: plain black beanie, pajama pants
Mom: some sweet potholders, and a sweater if I have time
The girlfriends: crocheted maryjane slippers (an idea I stole from Little C, who did this last year for her amigas) or frilly aprons
The boy friends: fingerless gloves
Aunt B: school bus scarf
Paternal aunts: pansy pins
The other aunts/uncles: dishcloths (they all love them, I swear!)
In laws: red potholders, dishcloths
Lola the puppy: sweater
Grandparents: bookmarks
Bro in law: earflap beanie
Grandparents-in-law: kitchen crap?? I don't know!