Thursday, February 7, 2008

etsy hell

I've been slaving away for the past few days, trying to get my Etsy site up and running. So far, I've photographed all of our finished products, designed the site banner, and downloaded Photoshop (free trial version, boooyah). Then, I discovered that all of my photos are horrible!! It's so discouraging.

Our banner:

Here's a preview of some of the items that will soon be added to the Etsy site. Little C hasn't posted anything yet, so I'll add some of her items for her.

This li'l baby hat seems to be everyone's favorite, but I made it just because I wanted to get rid of some yarn scraps.

Cait made this one.


I (not so secretly) lust after it and always try to steal it.

Look, a scarf! The bobbles remind me of those candy-dot things.

And another one of Caitlin's designs.

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